'Comm4CHILD', Europees project
met 15 ESR-studenten
Comm4CHILD richt zich op de grote inter-individuele verschillen in plasticiteit van de hersenen, cognitieve en in taalvaardigheden, en maakt volledig gebruik van deze heterogeniteit om efficiënte communicatieve vaardigheden bij kinderen gehoorverlies te ontwikkelen. Een groep van 15 ESR's (Early Stage Researchers) zullen getraind worden om (multidisciplinair) onderzoek te doen binnen drie aandachtsgebieden: biomedisch (d.w.z. anatomische variaties van het slakkenhuis en reorganisatie van de hersenen), cognitie (d.w.z. werkgeheugen, multimodaal integratie in communicatie) en taal (d.w.z. interindividuele verschillen in spraakverstaanbaarheid en taalontwikkeling).
Het werk van de ESR's (doctoraatstudenten) richt zich op:
(1) de factoren in kaart brengen die ten grondslag liggen aan deze heterogeniteit,
(2) verbeteringen aanbrengen in het inzicht in de voorspellers van taalkundige communicatieve vaardigheden,
(3) het ontwikkelen van nieuwe interventiemethoden ontwikkelen.
WP1 Plasticity and adaptation to biological diversity WP leader : Andrej Kral)
About the biological level, the central concept is plasticity
- ESR 1/ KUL/ Understanding plasticity
- ESR 2 / HörSys / Individual anatomic factors in underperforming patients
- ESR 3 / MHH / Neural mechanisms of cross-modal plasticity in hearing impairment (animal model)
- ESR 4 / OTIC / Auditory-somatosensory cross-modal plasticity – effect on outcomes of vibro-tactile input modality for young school children with CI
WP2 Multimodality and optimization of cognitive resources, WP leader : Jean-Luc Schwartz)
About the cognitive level, the central concept is multimodality
- ESR 5 / ULB / ERP studies of the temporal course of auditory, labial and manual signals in cued speech (CS) perception
- ESR 6 / CNRS-GIPSA / Exploiting the somatosensory function in subjects with HI and CI for understanding and rehabilitating the perceptuo-motor loop in speech communication
- ESR 7 / KUL / Multimodality in children with different degrees of hearing impairment (HI)
- ESR 8 / OTIC / Effortful listening, cognitive energy, and learning in children with CI
- ESR 9 / LiU / Cognitive intervention
- ESR 10 / CNRS-GIPSA / Development of communication systems and tools related to Sign Language (SL), Cued Speech (CS), and audio-visual speech synthesis
WP3 Language and learning resources of the individual in diverse social, linguistic and cultural environments, WP leaders : Jacqueline Leybaert & Cécile Colin)
About the linguistic, cultural and social levels, the central concept is learning
- ESR 11 / UoL / Multilingual language development
- ESR 12/ UoL / Multimodal communication
- ESR 13 / ULB / Spelling ability and associated skills
- ESR 14 / CNRS-LPNC / Sustaining oral communicative skills in children fitted with CI
- ESR 15 / CCP / Phonological and interactional supports