Ronald Pouyo (Universiteit Luik) valt in de
prijzen met de prachtige foto 'spiral of sound'
Ronald Pouyo, wetenschapper aan de Universiteit van Luik (B), heeft een prijs behaald op de BMC ‘Research in progress’ photo competitie 2018' met de prachtige foto 'spiral of sound'
Ronald Pouyo beschrijft zijn foto (in het Engels) als volgt:
"This is a picture of a cochlea I dissected and labelled by immunohistochemistry. After that the cochlea was clarified and the picture was taken with a Light-sheet microscope. The inner ear shelters the cochlea, a spiral of cells whose role is to capture the air vibration through the hair cells (labelled in red). These unique cells convert sounds into electrical signals that are relayed to the brain via the neuronal fibers (labelled in green). All the other cell nuclei are labelled in blue. I consider myself lucky to be able to work on such a beautiful and complex structure, which has yet to be fully understood."